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Fimmtudaginn 2. nóvember, klukkan 12:00 stendur Fimleikasamband Íslands fyrir fræðslufyrirlestri um mikilvægt málefni: „How leadership can help create non-abusive coaching environments“. Fyrirlesari er Brian Marshall, hér má finna frekari upplýsingar um Brian. Fyrirlesturinn fer fram í fyrirlestrarsal ÍSÍ, Engjavegi 6 og er hann opinn öllum á meðan húsrúm leyfir.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og innihald hans er eftirfarandi;

Athlete wellbeing together with optimal performance are the hallmarks of a successful club.

As we have seen in many sports across many countries, abusive coaching cultures exist and they are allowed to exist despite the many adults that are part of the club. In this lecture we will look at:

  • How this can happen
  • How the leadership teams (board members, CEO, managers, head coaches and coaches) within clubs can create an environment where respect, trust and joy go hand in hand with athletes who are realizing their full potential

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